These two CDs are included with our dance textbook ‘The Dancing Bear – Volume 1’. However, they can also be ordered separately here The book Der Tanzbär 1 contains 27 popular folk dances from Central and Western Europe, which have now become standard repertoire at dance festivals. The renunciation of showing regional differences of dance forms and steps makes it easy even for the untrained to learn the presented dances after a short time and to dance along. Therefore, mainly those dances have been selected that do not require very long explanations. In addition, a division of the dances into levels of difficulty facilitates the selection, making the book suitable for use in schools and youth and senior groups. The book is divided into group dances (circle, lane and row dances) and couple dances. Each dance is introduced with a musical score example. All dances are summarized at the end of the book with partly further melodies in a music section. The dance instructions are written in simple and understandable language; drawings explain the text. A detailed dance key explains the settings, setups, step types and movements. Recorded by the groups Bordun, KAIKAI and Spielleut, all dances are recorded here in length and speed to match the dance instructions. Group dances: Spielleut
- Siebensprung
- Galopede
- Nonesuch
- Indian Queen
- Branle des Chevaux
- Branle des Chevaux
- Woaf
- Circassian Circle
- La Fille de la Meuniere
- Jig
- Branle de Rats
- La Cochinchine
- Maitre de la Maison
- Rondeau
- Star polka
- Seven-step
- Bourrée (2/4 and 3/8)
Couple dances: Spielleut
- Hackschottisch
- Four-step
- Stop gallop
- Scottish
- Waltz
- Scottish waltz
- Polka
- Cross polka
- Mazurka
Order no.: CD0010 Format: 2 Audio-CDs Playing time: 2 CDs with together 99:38 min Packaging: Jewelbox
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