Bagpipe Lesson Book for Hümmelchen – Volume 2

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Advanced playing techniques: Ornaments and variations

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Understandable. Practical. To the point.

Volume 2 for advanced students and those who want to become one: In the usual form, extensive explanations, schemes, examples, exercises and melodies provide in-depth guidance on all relevant topics. In particular, you will find in this book:

  • General information about the functions of the ornaments,
  • extensive introductions to the various ornamentation techniques such as single, double and triple suggestions, rappels, picotage, vibrato, trills, slide etc.,
  • advanced complex playing techniques,
  • Principles for the variation of melodies,
  • Explanations of the alternative use and combination of ornaments
  • and much more…

After a general presentation of the respective topic, examples, exercises and melodies follow in order to deepen what has been learned directly on concrete pieces on the instrument.

The material is lesson-tested and very v suitable for self-study. The knowledge gathered in this book is unique thanks to its systematic and descriptive approach.

Additional information

Weight 0,6 kg


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