Corks for drones (3 + 1 pcs.)

2,90 inkl. Mwst.

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Plug for shooting the Bagpipe Drones plus plug for the Pipe Chanter


This cork set is used to set down the drones at the Great Highland Bagpipe. The fourth cork can be inserted into the pipe chanter instead of the chanter reed. By closing the drones, beginners in particular can reduce air and power consumption while playing without having to take out the drone reeds. They are also especially helpful when tuning the pipe and when inserting and setting up new reeds. The enclosed small cork can be used to put down the chanter: It is used instead of the Chanter Reed and thus helps to set up the Drone Reeds. Especially beginners should stop the pipe chanter at the beginning when learning the blowing technique – but it should remain in the pipe so that the arms and hands can assume the correct playing position. In this way, beginners can concentrate fully on breathing and pressure and can better automate these coordinative tasks. (The color of the three drone corks is BLACK!)


Additional information

Weight 0,1 kg


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